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Rusija bi dala 9. slobodu Belaviji

Rusija razmatra davanje devete slobode Belaviji. To znači da bi Belavia imala pravo letova unutar Rusije bez dodirivanja Bjeloruskih zračnih luka.

autor: Maja Mrkus, novinarka (Pula), foto: Belavia

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A sta je 8. i 7. sloboda?

Seventh Freedom of The Air – the right or privilege, in respect of scheduled international air services, granted by one State to another State, of transporting traffic between the territory of the granting State and any third State with no requirement to include on such operation any point in the territory of the recipient State, i.e the service need not connect to or be an extension of any service to/from the home State of the carrier.

Eighth Freedom of The Air – the right or privilege, in respect of scheduled international air services, of transporting cabotage traffic between two points in the territory of the granting State on a service which originates or terminates in the home country of the foreign carrier or (in connection with the so-called Seventh Freedom of the Air) outside the territory of the granting State (also known as a Eighth Freedom Right or “consecutive cabotage”).

Nedostaje Rusima aviona.

Bravo! Iskrene cestitke!

Ne znamo detalje ali Belavija će zaposliti deo flote koji ne leti, Rusima dobro dođe da neko pokrije linije koje ne mogu da održavaju. Svi dobijaju.

Pa zasto se onda pitate sta je tu za cestitati? Profitirace i jedna i druga strana.

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